Helpful numbers and websites for North Lanarkshire
- Social Work/Home Care 01236 638700
- Access to Social Work (if you don't have services) 01698 274248
- Woodlands Resource Centre 0141 232 7300
- North Lanarkshire Council Older People Services and Support
- Dementia Online Post Diagnostic Support
- My Bus 0845 125 9809
- Equals Advocacy 01698 327772
- Welfare Right 01236 723201
- Alzheimer's Scotland 01698 275300
- Homecare Alarm 01236 622400
- Care and Repair 0800 048 2882
- Fire Safety Checks (free) 0800 0731 999
- Scottish Welfare Rights 0300 555 0405
- Blue Badge 01698 403160
- Disability Information Officer 01698 274584
- Making Life Easier (small scale OT aids) 01698 274584
- Well informed 0800 073 0918